Integrative multi-scale modelling and guidelines for suitability assessment
The main goal of WP6 is the development of an integrated modelling approach for the overall performance, integrity and durability assessment at the reservoir and near-wellbore scale exploiting WP2 to WP5 laboratory experimental results. To achieve this goal will be improved, extended and validated (using experimental results from WP2 to 4) a state of the art open-source simulator for flow and transport processes in porous reservoirs (DuMux). Leveraging on the open-source reservoir simulator and on a geomechanical model of well systems that is validated with experimental results of WP5, will be assessed the overall performance, integrity and durability of the reservoir and well system of at least 3 representative sites identified in WP1. At the end of these activities, it will be possible to define a set of guidelines for the decision-making process at TRL 4 in reservoir and site suitability assessments for hydrogen storage, leading to in-field demonstration at TRL 5, including instructions for optimal reservoir operation to provide steer on e.g. the choice of materials, re-use of existing wells and facilities, risks involved when storing hydrogen in reservoirs.